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July 2001 Newsletter

Dr. Gho Rejected by EHRS 
Mysterious "founder" of Hair Multiplication applies for EHRS membership, unsuccessfully.

NOTE!  The information contained in this article has been provided and verified by the EHRS.  No portion of this newsletter may be used without the permission of HairlossSucks.com.  You may contact us at news@HairlossSucks.com if you wish to reproduce an article on your site.

European Hair Research Society Rejects Gho Application 
July 5, 2001 - Tokyo Japan

A Picture of Gho?

Many of you remember from our last newsletter the exciting conference in Tokyo Japan where over 170 studies completed within the past year were presented.  [ Tokyo Conference 2001 ]  Researchers from all over the world gather at conferences like these to share their new technologies, discoveries, and to give their colleagues new information for the common good of worldwide research.  

As we all know, information exchange is the key to progress, and its a tradition among all researchers to communicate their findings in an effort to attain a common goal.

The European Hair Research Society is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research of hair biology and hair disease in Europe.  They have an international membership of scientists, dermatologists, and professionals working in academia, industry, and government. The EHRS represents its members by promoting the pursuit of excellence and the dissemination of information regarding hair biology and encourages the scientific careers of young investigators. They serve as advocates and provide resources for increasing public and government awareness of the needs for, and advances resulting from, hair research.  [ www.EHRS.org ]

Most importantly, they support and organize meetings dedicated to the presentation of new research findings, exchange of information, education of their members, and the advancement of science. 

Gho Application Reviewed

One of the events at the Tokyo conference last month was to review the applications received over the past year for membership into the EHRS.  The requirements for acceptance are typically not stringent, and within reason, it is commonplace that most applicants are accepted.  In fact, there hasn't been a rejected application in quite some time, if ever.  

Throughout the year, those who wish to join the EHRS send their application to the acting "secretary" via the EHRS web site.  The secretary makes up a list which is presented first to the EHRS Board and then to its members at the yearly gathering.  Dr. Ulrike Blume-Peytavi from Berlin (then secretary, now President) received the applications this year and presented them at the conference.  Dr. Rudi Happle (then President), Michael Philpott (Treasurer), Andrew Messenger and Ramon Grimalt drew the list of applicants and read them out at the General Meeting.  As the board members made their way through the list, they encountered an application from a Dr. Gho.

The application had been sent directly from the form on the EHRS web site.  There was no other contact or direct correspondence between Gho and anyone at the EHRS.  Ulrike read the list and immediately asked if anyone had heard of this Dr. Gho.  

None of the well known researchers on the board had heard of him, and consequently the name stood out.  All the other applicants on the list were known to those in the industry in some fashion, or at the very least, the names were familiar from labs the members had worked in.

One member from Belgium commented that he recognized the name, as one of his patients had inquired about a Dr. Gho in the past, but the only other person vaguely familiar with Gho was Kevin McElwee of Keratin.com, also an EHRS member.  Other than this, nobody present had had any contact with Dr. Gho whatsoever.  The fellow from Belgium briefly explained that he was apparently involved with a private transplant clinic doing Dermal Papilla cell research, which could mean anything from looking at Gene Expression in Dermal Papilla cells, to hair follicle induction by Dermal Papilla cells.  Point being, nobody knew who he was nor what he did, and no information had been divulged in the application either.  

Those attending the review began to voice some concern regarding Gho.  Some pointed out the fact that he had never attended a conference, had never published any articles, had no contact with any other member, and that he and his work were completely unknown to the research community as a whole.

As previously mentioned, it is not only one of the aims of the EHRS to share information, but it is common practice in the medical and health research community as a whole that new technologies and methods be shared amongst peers for the overall good of the people they are trying to help.  Participation in conferences, published items in medical journals, and basic networking with others seeking to help those suffering from hair loss is at the very root of establishing credibility for each researchers practices.

The general consensus at the meeting, was that someone who not only had never been heard of, but who seemed to have actively avoided all interaction with peers and colleagues, was unlikely to be a contributor to the aims of the society in the future.  Others even expressed concern that in light of the complete absence of even basic credibility, Gho may just be attempting to exploit a membership with the EHRS for his own gain, to promote his own work.  

The Conclusion

The board suggested that as no one knew him or his work, and that he had never been to a meeting, that they could not accept him.  A vote was taken, and Dr. Gho's name was rejected.


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