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Session Start: Sun Jan 16 14:29:28 2000
*** Now talking in #hairloss
FuzzI use Rogaine 5% (Minoxidil), Nizoral, Iamin Gel, and Herbals
bald27what herbals?
FuzzWell, right now it is a plethora of herbals: saw palmetto, pygeum, nettle, green tea extract, grape seed extract, bilberry extract, ginkgo biloba, black currant oil
*** next2 has joined #hairloss
bald27what do you guys know about combination of finasteride and SP?
next2not much
next2I have just taken SP for a couple of months.  Im thinking of PBN or NAC to stop the thinning
FuzzAny regrowth next2?  I have heard some say it is a very effective treatment, while others disagree. I do not think it would hurt to add it. It is cheap and could be very effective.
Boinkeri heard SP doesn't affect the 5-Alpha that affects hairloss
next2And what do you guys know about arginine; shall we eat it or avoid it? anyone had regrowth from it?
Boinkerjust the kind that affects Prostate size
FuzzI am thinking off adding arginine. Dr. P and Dr. Lee mention it has the potential to be the best "natural supplement."
FuzzI have read and hear the same things about SP
BoinkerPropecia is already messing with the prostate so I would probably avoid adding SP since it is known to just affect the prostate and nobody's sure about how it affects hairloss. wouldn't want to double up on my "messing with" my prostate, im already concerned enough as it is that I'm messing with it too much unnecessarily
FuzzWhat about SP topically?
next2Crinagen contains SP
FuzzSo does Folligen
next2and that So maybe it works for some of us...what about PBN and NAC or xandrox?
FuzzI hope so, it seems different things DO work some for different people
BoinkerIts probably a crap shoot
FuzzThat is what sucks about this evil hairloss crap
next2Yes I know. That is the Big Problem. You have to use a lot of time and money in order to find what works for you.
FuzzI am thinking of trying the Zone as well. It definitely cannot hurt. Some people have been on the Zone and have good results.
bald27thanks guys, I'm going to bed, see you around, time to put on rogaine, i hate thinning hair!
BoinkerLater Bald :)
BoinkerZone diet?
next2Bye bald 27
next2Yes, have you hear about it?  anyone here on xandrox?





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